Receta lentejas llenas de fibra – 6 platos perfectos para cenas y comidas

Desi / February 15 2024


Receta lentejas⁤ llenas de fibra – 6 platos perfectos para cenas y comidas

Las lentejas son un alimento muy popular en la cocina española, y ‌no es de extrañar, ya que⁣ además​ de ser deliciosas, son una excelente fuente ⁢de fibra y⁣ proteínas. Si estás buscando ⁣una receta saludable y sabrosa para incorporar ​a tu​ dieta, las lentejas son una opción perfecta. A continuación,⁤ te presentamos una receta de lentejas llenas de fibra, ideal para cenas y comidas.


– 250 gramos de lentejas

– 1 cebolla

– 2 dientes de‌ ajo

– 1 ​pimiento rojo

– 1⁤ zanahoria

– 2 tomates

– 1 hoja de laurel

– 1 cucharadita de pimentón

– Aceite de oliva

– Sal y pimienta al gusto


1. Comienza lavando las lentejas bajo el‍ chorro ⁤de agua fría para eliminar cualquier impureza. Luego, colócalas en ​una olla y cúbrelas con ‌agua suficiente.‌ Deja que las lentejas se remojen⁣ durante al menos una hora.

2.‌ Mientras tanto, pela y pica finamente la cebolla, los dientes de ⁤ajo, el pimiento rojo ‍y la⁣ zanahoria. Puedes cortar ‌los tomates en cubos pequeños.

3. En una cacerola, calienta un poco de aceite de oliva a fuego medio. Agrega la cebolla y el ajo picados y cocínalos hasta ⁤que estén dorados y fragantes.

4. Añade el pimiento rojo y la zanahoria picados, y cocina por​ unos minutos más hasta que ‌estén tiernos.

5. Agrega los tomates picados y la hoja de laurel. Cocina durante⁣ unos⁢ minutos para que los ⁤tomates ​se ablanden.

6. A ⁤continuación, incorpora las lentejas previamente remojadas, el pimentón, sal y pimienta al‍ gusto. Cubre​ las lentejas con agua, aproximadamente el doble de su volumen, y deja que hiervan a fuego lento durante unos 40 minutos o hasta que estén tiernas.

7. A medida que las‌ lentejas se cocinan, asegúrate de revolver de vez en cuando para evitar que se ‍peguen ​al fondo de la olla. ⁢Si es ⁢necesario, agrega más​ agua caliente para mantener la consistencia deseada.

8. Una vez que las lentejas⁤ estén tiernas,⁤ retira la hoja de laurel y sirve el ⁢plato caliente. Puedes acompañarlas con arroz ⁤integral, pan tostado o una ensalada fresca. ¡Disfruta de esta ‍deliciosa⁢ y ⁣saludable receta!

Las lentejas llenas de fibra son ​una⁢ excelente opción para incorporar a tu⁤ dieta, ya que‍ además de⁤ ser deliciosas, te brindan una gran cantidad de nutrientes esenciales. Su alto contenido de fibra ayuda a mantener un buen ​funcionamiento del sistema digestivo y a regular los​ niveles de azúcar en la sangre. Además, las lentejas son una fuente de⁢ proteínas vegetales, lo que las convierte en una excelente alternativa para los vegetarianos y ​veganos.

Estos 6‍ platos de lentejas llenas de fibra son perfectos para⁣ cenas y comidas⁣ saludables y reconfortantes. Además de la receta básica que te hemos presentado, puedes añadir ⁢diferentes ​ingredientes como espinacas, calabaza, ‍puerros, entre otros, para darle un‌ toque especial.

En‍ resumen, las lentejas son una opción ideal para incluir en tu alimentación diaria. Su alto contenido de fibra, proteínas ⁢y nutrientes esenciales las convierten en un alimento muy beneficioso para tu salud. ​Anímate a preparar esta deliciosa receta​ y disfrutar de⁢ todas sus bondades. ¡Buen provecho! ⁣Las lentejas ​son un alimento muy‍ versátil y ‌nutritivo que se puede​ utilizar ⁤en una amplia variedad de recetas. Esta‌ receta de lentejas​ llenas de ⁢fibra es una opción perfecta para cenas y comidas saludables y deliciosas. ¡Disfruta de todas sus bondades y beneficios para la salud! ¡Anímate a prepararla ⁤y disfruta‌ de ⁣una ⁢comida sana y ⁣deliciosa! ¡No te pierdas esta deliciosa receta de lentejas llenas de fibra! Son perfectas para cenas y comidas saludables y reconfortantes. Además, ‌son muy fáciles de preparar. ¡Disfrútalas!

-‍ 250 gramos de lentejas

– 1 cebolla

– 2 ⁤dientes de ajo

– 1 pimiento ‌rojo

– 1 ‌zanahoria

– ​2 tomates

– 1 hoja de laurel

– 1 cucharadita de pimentón

– Aceite de ⁤oliva

– Sal⁢ y pimienta al gusto


1. Lava las lentejas bajo el chorro de agua fría para eliminar cualquier impureza. Luego, colócalas en una olla y cúbrelas con agua suficiente. Déjalas remojar durante al menos una hora.

2. Pela y pica finamente la​ cebolla, los dientes de ajo, el pimiento rojo y la zanahoria. Corta los tomates en cubos pequeños.

3. En una cacerola, calienta un poco de aceite de oliva a fuego medio. Agrega la cebolla y⁤ el ajo picados y​ cocínalos⁣ hasta que estén ​dorados y fragantes.

4. Añade el pimiento rojo y la ⁢zanahoria picados, y⁤ cocina ‍por unos minutos más hasta ‍que estén tiernos.

5. Agrega los tomates picados y la hoja de laurel. Cocina durante unos minutos para que los tomates⁤ se ablanden.

6. ​Incorpora las lentejas previamente remojadas, el pimentón, sal y pimienta al gusto. Cubre las lentejas con agua, aproximadamente el doble de su volumen, y deja que hiervan a fuego lento durante unos 40 minutos o hasta ​que estén tiernas.

7. Revuelve de vez en cuando para evitar que las lentejas se peguen al fondo de la⁣ olla. Añade más agua caliente si ⁤es necesario.

8. Retira la ‍hoja de laurel y sirve ‌el plato caliente. Acompáñalo con arroz integral, ⁢pan tostado o una ‌ensalada⁤ fresca. ¡Disfruta de esta deliciosa y saludable⁤ receta!

Las lentejas llenas de fibra son una excelente opción para ‌incluir en tu dieta debido a su alto contenido de fibra, proteínas y nutrientes esenciales. Además, son versátiles⁣ y se pueden añadir diferentes ingredientes para darles un toque especial. Anímate a prepararlas y disfruta de todos sus beneficios para ⁢la ​salud.⁤ ¡Buen ⁣provecho! Las lentejas llenas de fibra son una excelente opción para incluir en tu dieta debido a su alto contenido de fibra, proteínas y nutrientes esenciales. Además, son versátiles y se⁤ pueden añadir diferentes ingredientes para darles ​un⁣ toque especial. Anímate a prepararlas y disfruta de todos sus beneficios para la salud. ¡Buen provecho! Las lentejas llenas de⁢ fibra son una excelente‌ opción para incluir en tu dieta debido a su alto contenido de fibra, proteínas ​y nutrientes esenciales. Además, son versátiles y se ‍pueden ⁤añadir diferentes ingredientes para darles un toque especial. Anímate a prepararlas‍ y disfruta de todos sus beneficios para la salud. ¡Buen ⁢provecho!
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Did ‌you know that lentils are the oldest ⁣legumes in the world? It’s⁣ no wonder they have⁢ become a staple all over the ​world, from India to the ​Middle East, Europe, and America. Just like beans, lentils are a‌ great​ source of fiber and high⁢ in protein, making them perfect for many meals. ⁤The best part is that lentils cook much ‌faster than‌ dried ⁢beans and don’t require soaking before cooking. ‍They are extremely versatile and budget-friendly, making them an accessible form of high-quality protein. Let’s take a look at some lentil recipes that you can take advantage of. And the ⁤best part is, it’s not just about lentil soups,⁣ you can use them to make some really original⁣ dishes.

Lentil Recipe – Get Creative with Original Dishes

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Vegetarian Lentil Recipe

This deliciously easy vegetarian lentil chili is sure to impress! The best part is, you can make ⁣this delicious chili in just⁢ one pot! Less effort and fewer dishes. The absence​ of cheese on top might‍ surprise some of‍ you. This healthy chili is a great meal or dinner during the cold autumn and winter⁢ months.

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⁢2 cups‌ diced yellow onion

1 large‍ green bell pepper, diced

1 large red bell pepper, diced

⁣2 jalapeños, plus extra for garnish

2-4 cloves of minced garlic

⁢1 cup corn (frozen or fresh)

1 can spicy ‍chili with sauce

1 cup cooked and ​rinsed black beans

2 tablespoons chili‌ powder

1 teaspoon cumin

1 teaspoon dried oregano

1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika

salt and⁢ pepper to taste

2 cups ‍vegetable broth

‍1 cup dry‌ red lentils

2 cups crushed tomatoes

Olive oil

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diced jalapeños or cayenne pepper

vegetable broth or tomato sauce to adjust thickness ​if desired

all‌ the tasty veggies you like


The recipe ⁣is⁣ meant to be made in‍ a ‍pressure cooker for faster⁢ cooking.‍ First, chop your vegetables and measure out the ingredients. Switch your pressure cooker ⁢to ⁣the sauté ‌function and sauté a tablespoon of‌ oil with the onion for 3-5 minutes, until the edges are golden. Next, add the garlic, peppers, ‌and corn, and ⁣cook for an⁣ additional 3-5 minutes to soften. Add in the lentils, vegetable broth, beans, black beans, and ⁣spices. Set to high pressure for 15 minutes and wait. ⁢Allow for a natural pressure release. Finally, stir in the crushed tomatoes⁤ and adjust the broth/tomato/seasoning to taste, adding more of what you prefer ⁢to achieve ⁤the ideal thickness⁣ and flavor. I added the crushed tomatoes at the end to avoid overfilling the pressure cooker ‌and also to get a quicker cooking time.


Looking for a delicious and healthy meal? Try this Red Lentil Pasta with Sun-Dried Tomatoes recipe! Packed with fiber, healthy⁢ carbs, and vegetables, it’s⁢ a dish you won’t want to‍ miss.

Red Lentil Pasta with Sun-Dried Tomatoes Recipe



– 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil

– 1 chopped sweet onion

– 6 cloves of garlic, chopped or grated

– 1 tablespoon dried⁤ basil

– 1 tablespoon dried oregano

– 2 teaspoons ground turmeric

– Salt and kosher pepper

– Tomato sauce

– 1/2 cup oil-packed sun-dried tomatoes

– 1 tablespoon ‍apple cider vinegar

-⁢ 1 box of red ⁤lentil pasta

– 2 large handfuls of spinach or kale

– Grated parmesan, nutritional ⁤yeast, toasted pine nuts,⁣ or seeds

Red Lentil Pasta Recipe


Heat the olive oil ⁤in a large pot over medium heat.‌ Once the oil is shimmering, add the onion ⁤and cook until soft and caramelized,‍ about 5-10 minutes. Add the garlic, basil, oregano,​ turmeric, salt, and pepper. Cook for 1 minute or until fragrant. Slowly add the tomatoes and their juices, crushing the tomatoes with ⁢a wooden spoon. ⁢Add the sun-dried tomatoes and vinegar. Simmer the ‌sauce for​ 10-15 minutes or until slightly reduced. If desired, you can puree the sauce in a blender.


Add the⁢ spinach and cook for an additional five minutes. Meanwhile, bring a large pot of salted water to a boil and cook the red lentil pasta until al dente according to the package​ instructions. ‌Divide the pasta among plates and top with⁣ a generous amount ‍of ‍sauce. Add cheese, nuts, and herbs on top if desired.

A Fiber-Rich, Healthy Carbs, and Vegetables Recipe


Lentil and Chickpea Soup


– 1 1/2 cups green lentils
– 1 finely chopped sweet onion
– ⁣A‌ pinch⁣ of fresh ginger,​ grated
– ⁤2 cloves of garlic, chopped or ‍grated
– 3 ⁤chopped carrots
– 1 ‌chopped red bell pepper
– 1 (14 ounces) ‍diced tomatoes
– 4‍ cups chicken or⁤ vegetable broth
-‌ 1-2 tablespoons red harissa
– 2 teaspoons smoked paprika
– 3/4 teaspoon cumin
– 3/4 teaspoon cinnamon
– Salt and kosher pepper
– 1 tablespoon fresh lemon​ juice
– 1 cup chickpeas
– 1/2 cup‍ chopped fresh cilantro
– Whipped goat cheese for serving

Lentil and Chickpea Soup Recipe


In a programmable electric pot, combine​ the lentils, onion, ginger, garlic, carrots, red bell pepper,⁤ tomatoes, vegetable broth, 1/2 cup of water, harissa, paprika, cumin, cinnamon, and a pinch⁣ of kosher salt and pepper. Stir to combine. ⁣Cover and cook on low for 6-8 hours or on high for 4-6 hours.

receta-lentejas-judias-ideas-estilo-maroquiare cooking, heat 1 tablespoon ⁢of olive oil ‍in a separate⁤ pot over ⁤medium heat. Add the⁣ chopped onion and garlic and cook until they are soft and fragrant. Then, add the chopped tomato and⁤ cook for ⁢another 2-3 ‍minutes.

Next, add the whole wheat couscous and vegetable broth or water to the pot.⁢ Stir well, cover, and let it simmer for about 5 minutes or until the couscous is cooked and⁤ fluffy.

Once the couscous and ⁣lentils are ready, it’s time to assemble ‌the stuffed peppers. Take the roasted‌ peppers out of the oven⁢ and let them cool slightly. Then, fill each pepper half with a spoonful⁣ of the cooked lentils and couscous mixture. ‍Crumble some feta cheese on top and drizzle with olive oil and ‍lemon juice.

To add⁣ some extra flavor, sprinkle chopped fresh basil, salt, and a pinch of red ⁢pepper⁤ flakes over the stuffed⁣ peppers. Place them back ​in ‍the oven for another 5 minutes to warm ⁣everything through.

Finally, remove the‌ peppers from the oven and garnish with​ additional fresh basil. Serve them​ hot and enjoy this‍ delicious ⁢and nutritious meal!

With the combination of hearty lentils, fluffy couscous, and roasted peppers, this recipe is a perfect ⁤balance of flavors and textures. It’s a great option for a vegetarian or⁢ vegan⁣ meal, and it’s also gluten-free.

So,⁣ why not ​give this Moroccan-inspired lentil and couscous stuffed‍ peppers recipe a⁣ try? It’s a simple and satisfying dish that will surely impress your ⁣family and friends. Plus, it’s a great‌ way to ​incorporate more‍ legumes and vegetables into your diet. Enjoy!In a medium-sized pot, heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil over medium heat. Add ‍the chopped‌ onion and a pinch of salt. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the onions​ have softened and are golden around the edges, about 10 to 12 minutes. Add​ the garlic and tomato and cook until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Remove from⁤ heat and pour in the couscous and ⁤½ cup of broth or water. ​Cover and let it⁢ sit for‍ 5 minutes, then remove the lid and fluff the mixture with a⁣ fork.

In a medium bowl, combine the cooked lentils and ⁣couscous. Add the feta cheese, 1 tablespoon‍ of ⁢olive oil, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, ‍chopped basil, ¼ teaspoon⁢ of salt, and red pepper flakes. Stir to combine and season to taste with additional salt, pepper, and lemon juice if needed. Place a​ generous amount of filling in each half of the roasted pepper and sprinkle with a little more chopped ⁣basil.


This vegetarian lentil roll ​is hearty and ​has ‍the flavors of meat pies. If you’re ready to move away from light summer salads, this is a ⁣great place to‌ start.

Lentil and Vegetable Recipe


This vegan lentil pie has the flavors of lentil meatballs but is much better. It’s packed with vegetables that add tons of flavor and​ texture, combined‍ with protein and fiber-rich ⁤lentils. Not to mention how budget-friendly lentil-based recipes are. Make sure to use‌ green ​or brown ‍lentils as red lentils are much⁢ softer.⁤ Make sure to thoroughly dry the lentils before forming your roll.



2 cups cooked French lentils

1/2 yellow onion, diced

2 carrots, diced

2 celery stalks, diced

1/2 ⁤cup diced ‍red‍ pepper

1 ¼ cup diced⁣ mushrooms

2‌ cloves of minced garlic

2 tablespoons tomato paste

1 tablespoon barbecue sauce

2 tablespoons flaxseed meal

1 ​tablespoon dried parsley

¼ teaspoon salt

¼ teaspoon pepper

½ cup quick oats

½ cup breadcrumbs

3 peppers, halved and⁣ seeded (optional)

1/3 cup ketchup

pinch of brown or coconut sugar


Preheat the oven to 280 ⁤degrees‌ C. Line a baking tray with parchment paper. In ‌a large skillet over medium heat, sauté the onion, carrots, celery, pepper, and mushrooms with a pinch of salt and pepper until softened. ⁢Add the​ garlic and sauté for another minute.

In a food processor, pulse together the ​lentils, cooked vegetables, tomato paste, barbecue sauce, flaxseed meal, parsley, salt, pepper, oats, and ⁢breadcrumbs. You may need to work in batches if your food ‌processor is small. Don’t puree,⁣ but mix into a thick dough. You want to leave some vegetable ‍chunks for texture.


Shape the dough into a ball and place it on the ⁤prepared baking tray. You can shape it however you like,⁣ but the “bar” shape shown in the images is the most typical. If you have‍ leftover mixture, ⁣you can reserve it and‍ make stuffed peppers using the mixture as filling. Fill the pepper halves ‍with the mixture and sprinkle ‌with a pinch of brown or coconut sugar.

Looking for a perfect dinner idea?‌ How about French-style lentil ⁣soup with buttery toast and Gruyere cheese?​ Even if you’re not a fan of carbs and cheese, the lentils with caramelized onions alone make for a healthy and delicious meal!

Lentil and Cheese Toast Recipe



– 2 tablespoons⁢ of olive‌ oil

– 2 thinly sliced sweet onions

-⁤ 1 tablespoon‍ of brown sugar

– 2 cloves of minced ‌or grated garlic

– 1 tablespoon⁢ of balsamic vinegar

– 1 cup of red wine

– 2-3 cups of vegetable broth

– 1⁤ cup of rinsed ⁣French lentils

– 2 ⁤bay leaves

– 3 sprigs‍ of thyme

– kosher⁤ salt ⁣+ pepper

– 1 tablespoon of butter

– 4 slices of whole wheat bread

– 1 cup of grated Gruyere cheese


Start by heating a medium pot over medium-high heat and adding the olive oil. Add the onions and brown sugar, and cook for⁤ 10 minutes, ⁤stirring frequently until softened. Continue cooking, stirring frequently to scrape up the browned bits from the bottom of‍ the pan, until the onions are golden brown, about 10 more minutes. Add the garlic, cook for 30 ⁣seconds, then add the balsamic vinegar, red wine, and 2 cups of ‍vegetable broth.

Lentil and Cheese⁤ Toast Recipe


Wait for ‌the⁤ mixture to come to a boil, then add the lentils, bay leaves,⁣ thyme, and season with salt and pepper. Reduce to a simmer and cook for 20-25 minutes or until the lentils are tender, adding more vegetable broth ⁢towards the end of cooking to keep the lentils in liquid. Once the ⁤lentils are tender, remove the bay leaves and thyme. Taste and season as needed with salt and pepper.


Preheat the⁢ grill on⁣ high. Spread each ​piece of bread with butter and then evenly top with cheese and place on a baking sheet.​ Serve the hot lentils with the toasted bread.


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