Papas sabrosas e ideales para cada gusto – 10 recetas vegetarianas con patatas

Mila / February 15 2024


Papas sabrosas e ideales para cada gusto – 10 recetas vegetarianas con patatas

Las papas son uno de los alimentos más versátiles y deliciosos que podemos encontrar en nuestras cocinas. Son el acompañamiento ideal para muchos platos y su sabor y textura hacen que sean irresistibles. Además, tienen la ventaja de ser una excelente fuente de energía y nutrientes esenciales para nuestro organismo. Si eres amante de las papas y sigues una dieta vegetariana, estás de suerte. A continuación, te presentamos 10 recetas vegetarianas con papas que satisfarán todos tus deseos gastronómicos.

1. Papas fritas al horno: esta es la forma más clásica de disfrutar de las papas. Corta las papas en rodajas delgadas, aderézalas con sal, pimienta y aceite de oliva, y hornéalas hasta que estén crujientes por fuera y tiernas por dentro.

2. Papas rellenas: nada más reconfortante que unas papas rellenas de queso y vegetales. Hervidas previamente, hazles un corte en el centro y rellénalas con tus ingredientes favoritos. Después, mételas al horno para que el queso se derrita y se forme una capa dorada por encima.

3. Papas a la crema: una opción más decadente pero igualmente deliciosa. Hierve las papas, córtalas en rodajas y colócalas en un recipiente para horno. Cubre con una mezcla de crema de leche, queso rallado y nuez moscada. Grátinalas en el horno hasta obtener una superficie dorada y un interior cremoso.

4. Ensalada de papas: una preparación fresca y ligera para disfrutar en los días de calor. Hierve las papas, córtalas en cubos y mézclalas con pimientos, cebolla, aceitunas y aliño de mostaza y aceite de oliva. La ensalada de papas es perfecta para acompañar platos de verano como las barbacoas.

5. Tortilla de papas: una receta clásica de la cocina española que no puede faltar en esta lista. Mezcla las papas cortadas en rodajas con huevos batidos, sal y pimienta. Cocina en una sartén hasta que la tortilla esté dorada por ambos lados. Se puede comer caliente o fría, y puedes agregarle otros ingredientes como cebolla o pimientos.

6. Papas bravas: este plato típico de la cocina española es perfecto para los amantes de los sabores intensos. Corta las papas en dados y fríelas hasta que estén crujientes. Luego, aderézalas con una salsa picante de tomate y ajo, y acompáñalas con alioli. ¡Una explosión de sabor en cada bocado!

7. Pastel de papas: una preparación reconfortante y saciante. Hierve las papas y tritúralas hasta obtener un puré suave. Añade huevo batido, queso rallado y especias al gusto. Coloca la mezcla en un molde para horno y gratina hasta que la superficie esté dorada y crujiente.

8. Patatas al gratén: una opción elegante para sorprender a tus comensales. Corta las papas en rodajas finas y colócalas en capas en un recipiente para horno. Entre cada capa de papas, añade queso rallado y crema de leche. Hornea hasta que las papas estén tiernas y la superficie esté dorada y crujiente.

9. Papas al romero: una receta sencilla pero llena de sabor. Corta las papas en gajos y aderézalas con aceite de oliva, sal, pimienta y romero fresco. Hornea hasta que estén doradas y crujientes. Puedes acompañarlas con una salsa de yogur con hierbas frescas.

10. Papas a la parrilla: una forma diferente de disfrutar de las papas. Córtalas en rodajas gruesas, aderézalas con aceite de oliva, sal, pimienta y hierbas de tu elección, y ásalas en una parrilla caliente hasta que estén doradas y tiernas por dentro.

Estas 10 recetas vegetarianas con papas son solo el comienzo de las infinitas posibilidades que este delicioso tubérculo nos ofrece. Anímate a probarlas y descubre nuevas formas de disfrutar de las papas en tu dieta vegetariana. ¡Buen provecho! Las papas son uno de los alimentos más versátiles y deliciosos que podemos encontrar en nuestras cocinas. Son el acompañamiento ideal para muchos platos y su sabor y textura hacen que sean irresistibles. Además, tienen la ventaja de ser una excelente fuente de energía y nutrientes esenciales para nuestro organismo.

Si eres amante de las papas y sigues una dieta vegetariana, estás de suerte. A continuación, te presentamos 10 recetas vegetarianas con papas que satisfarán todos tus deseos gastronómicos.

1. Papas fritas al horno: esta es la forma más clásica de disfrutar de las papas. Corta las papas en rodajas delgadas, aderézalas con sal, pimienta y aceite de oliva, y hornéalas hasta que estén crujientes por fuera y tiernas por dentro.

2. Papas rellenas: nada más reconfortante que unas papas rellenas de queso y vegetales. Hervidas previamente, hazles un corte en el centro y rellénalas con tus ingredientes favoritos. Después, mételas al horno para que el queso se derrita y se forme una capa dorada por encima.

3. Papas a la crema: una opción más decadente pero igualmente deliciosa. Hierve las papas, córtalas en rodajas y colócalas en un recipiente para horno. Cubre con una mezcla de crema de leche, queso rallado y nuez moscada. Grátinalas en el horno hasta obtener una superficie dorada y un interior cremoso.

4. Ensalada de papas: una preparación fresca y ligera para disfrutar en los días de calor. Hierve las papas, córtalas en cubos y mézclalas con pimientos, cebolla, aceitunas y aliño de mostaza y aceite de oliva. La ensalada de papas es perfecta para acompañar platos de verano como las barbacoas.

5. Tortilla de papas: una receta clásica de la cocina española que no puede faltar en esta lista. Mezcla las papas cortadas en rodajas con huevos batidos, sal y pimienta. Cocina en una sartén hasta que la tortilla esté dorada por ambos lados. Se puede comer caliente o fría, y puedes agregarle otros ingredientes como cebolla o pimientos.

6. Papas bravas: este plato típico de la cocina española es perfecto para los amantes de los sabores intensos. Corta las papas en dados y fríelas hasta que estén crujientes. Luego, aderézalas con una salsa picante de tomate y ajo, y acompáñalas con alioli. ¡Una explosión de sabor en cada bocado!

7. Pastel de papas: una preparación reconfortante y saciante. Hierve las papas y tritúralas hasta obtener un puré suave. Añade huevo batido, queso rallado y especias al gusto. Coloca la mezcla en un molde para horno y gratina hasta que la superficie esté dorada y crujiente.

8. Patatas al gratén: una opción elegante para sorprender a tus comensales. Corta las papas en rodajas finas y colócalas en capas en un recipiente para horno. Entre cada capa de papas, añade queso rallado y crema de leche. Hornea hasta que las papas estén tiernas y la superficie esté dorada y crujiente.

9. Papas al romero: una receta sencilla pero llena de sabor. Corta las papas en gajos y aderézalas con aceite de oliva, sal, pimienta y romero fresco. Hornea hasta que estén doradas y crujientes. Puedes acompañarlas con una salsa de yogur con hierbas frescas.

10. Papas a la parrilla: una forma diferente de disfrutar de las papas. Córtalas en rodajas gruesas, aderézalas con aceite de oliva, sal, pimienta y hierbas de tu elección, y ásalas en una parrilla caliente hasta que estén doradas y tiernas por dentro.

Estas 10 recetas vegetarianas con papas son solo el comienzo de las infinitas posibilidades que este delicioso tubérculo nos ofrece. Anímate a probarlas y descubre nuevas formas de disfrutar de las papas en tu dieta vegetariana. ¡Buen provecho! ¡Aquí tienes 10 deliciosas recetas vegetarianas con papas para que disfrutes!

1. Papas fritas al horno: Corta las papas en rodajas delgadas, sazónalas con sal, pimienta y aceite de oliva, y hornéalas hasta que estén crujientes por fuera y tiernas por dentro.

2. Papas rellenas: Hierve las papas, hazles un corte en el centro y rellénalas con queso y vegetales de tu elección. Mételas al horno hasta que el queso se derrita y se forme una capa dorada por encima.

3. Papas a la crema: Hierve las papas, córtalas en rodajas y colócalas en un recipiente para horno. Cubre con crema de leche, queso rallado y nuez moscada. Gratina hasta obtener una superficie dorada y un interior cremoso.

4. Ensalada de papas: Hierve las papas, córtalas en cubos y mézclalas con pimientos, cebolla, aceitunas y aliño de mostaza y aceite de oliva. Perfecta para acompañar platos de verano como las barbacoas.

5. Tortilla de papas: Mezcla papas cortadas en rodajas con huevos batidos, sal y pimienta. Cocina en una sartén hasta que esté dorada por ambos lados. Puedes agregarle otros ingredientes como cebolla o pimientos.

6. Papas bravas: Corta las papas en dados y fríelas hasta que estén crujientes. Aderézalas con salsa picante de tomate y ajo, y acompáñalas con alioli.

7. Pastel de papas: Hierve las papas y tritúralas hasta obtener un puré suave. Añade huevo batido, queso rallado y especias al gusto. Gratina en el horno hasta que esté dorado y crujiente.

8. Patatas al gratén: Corta las papas en rodajas finas y colócalas en capas en un recipiente para horno. Entre cada capa de papas, añade queso rallado y crema de leche. Hornea hasta que estén tiernas y la superficie esté dorada y crujiente.

9. Papas al romero: Corta las papas en gajos y aderézalas con aceite de oliva, sal, pimienta y romero fresco. Hornea hasta que estén doradas y crujientes. Puedes acompañarlas con una salsa de yogur con hierbas frescas.

10. Papas a la parrilla: Córtalas en rodajas gruesas, aderézalas con aceite de oliva, sal, pimienta y hierbas de tu elección, y ásalas en una parrilla caliente hasta que estén doradas y tiernas por dentro.

Estas recetas son solo algunas ideas para disfrutar de las papas de manera vegetariana. ¡Espero que las disfrutes mucho! ¡Gracias por compartir estas deliciosas recetas vegetarianas con papas! Definitivamente son opciones muy apetitosas y fáciles de preparar. ¡Será genial probarlas y agregarlas a mi dieta vegetariana! Me alegra saber que te gustaron las recetas. ¡Disfrútalas y que tengas buen provecho! ¡Gracias! ¡Me alegra que te hayan gustado las recetas! Espero que disfrutes de todas las opciones deliciosas que las papas tienen para ofrecer en una dieta vegetariana. ¡Bon appétit!

patatas veganas

Are you ready to dive into the world of comforting and delicious potatoes? Whether they’re baked, fried, diced, sliced, or mashed, potatoes can be the ultimate comfort food. Not only are they delicious, but they’re also one of the cheapest, easiest, and vegan-friendly foods in the grocery store. Packed with dietary fiber, vitamin B6, potassium, and more, potatoes are truly beneficial for our health.

Potatoes – Vegetarian Recipes

recetas patatas veganas

Potatoes are one of the most common and important food sources on the planet, and they contain a plethora of health benefits that make them even more essential as a basic dietary staple for much of the world’s population. These health benefits include improving digestion, reducing cholesterol levels, promoting heart health, protecting against polyps, preventing cancer, and controlling diabetes. They strengthen the immune system, reduce signs of aging, protect the skin, improve circulation, lower blood pressure, maintain fluid balance, reduce insomnia, and aid in eye care.

What are Potatoes?

recetas de patatas veganas

The term “potato” can refer to both the plant and the entire tuber, in most varieties. Its scientific name is Solanum tuberosum, and it is actually a member of the nightshade family. These vegetables are native to the Americas, most likely in the Andes, Peru, and Bolivia. They have been cultivated between 7,000 and 10,000 years ago in the central and South American region.

recetas de patatas veganas

Children all over the world often refuse to eat vegetables, but they love potatoes. This is the strange and magical quality of potatoes; you will rarely find someone who doesn’t like or refuses to eat them. They are found in almost every major continental diet in some form and can be prepared in dozens of ways, including baked, fried, sliced, mashed, and many more.

tipos de papas

Wild potatoes still grow in some parts of the Americas, but they were introduced to other parts of the world only 400-500 years ago. These vegetables now dominate the world as the fourth largest food crop, and over 1/3 of the world’s potatoes are currently grown in China and India, where they are an essential part of their cuisine, as well as the cuisine of many neighboring countries.

papas rojas

Nowadays, it’s hard to imagine a diet without potatoes. They have somehow become one of the most popular and recognized foods on the planet. Potato lovers, and even those who don’t like them (yet), will be equally delighted to know that potatoes have nutritional components that go beyond carbohydrates and calories, and can be an extremely beneficial addition to any meal plan.

comer papas

First, let’s explore the nutritional facts of these widely accepted vegetables, before diving into the health benefits of this world-famous vegetable.

Nutritional Facts of Potatoes

Datos nutricionales de las patatas

The reason why potatoes have spread across the world so rapidly and have been widely accepted is because they are a storehouse of energy and nutrition, including vitamins, minerals, and essential organic compounds.

Mineral Content

Contenido de minerales papas

By regularly consuming potatoes, you ensure a good supply of water and ions in your body. This is because they are rich in potassium. The concentration is highest in the skin and just below it, so make sure to keep the skin intact while cooking or eating them.

Eating potatoes with their skin is always beneficial because the skin contains a lot of nutrients. They also contain calcium, iron, and phosphorus.

Vitamin Content

Vitamin Content Potatoes

Potatoes are known for their high vitamin C content. Typically, a 100g serving contains about 17mg of vitamin C. In addition to this, they also contain vitamin A, vitamin B, and vitamin P.

Water Content

Water Content Potatoes

Potatoes may look big, but water accounts for about 70-80 percent of their weight. So, the belief that eating potatoes makes you gain weight is a misconception. Of course, if your potato portions are loaded with butter, or if you can’t resist high-fat, high-cholesterol french fries, then you will gain weight.

Old potatoes

We have compiled a list of easy vegetarian recipes based on potatoes. Here are some of our favorites:

Loaded Baked Potato Soup

Loaded Baked Potato Soup

This one-pot soup is perfect for a cold day. But be careful: it might make you love potatoes even more than you already do.


2 tbsp. olive oil

1 medium onion, chopped

3-4 slices of vegan bacon, chopped

1/4 cup flour

4 cups vegetable broth

4 medium russet potatoes, diced

Salt and pepper to taste

1 cup non-dairy milk

1/3 cup vegan cheddar cheese, shredded, for garnish

Sliced green onions, for garnish

Vegan sour cream, for garnish


Heat the oil in a pot over medium heat. Add the onion and vegan bacon and sauté for 3 to 5 minutes.

Add the flour and cook for 1 minute, stirring frequently.

Add the vegetable broth, potatoes, salt, and pepper and bring to a boil.

Cover and simmer until the potatoes are tender, 10 to 15 minutes.

Remove about 2 cups of the mixture and set aside. Once cooled, blend with the non-dairy milk. Pour the mixture back into the soup pot and adjust the seasoning to taste.

Simmer for an additional 5 minutes. Garnish with vegan cheese, green onions, and vegan sour cream.

Potato Croquettes

Potato Croquettes

You probably already have the ingredients for this dish lying in your kitchen. What are you waiting for?


2 large potatoes, peeled and chopped

1-2 tbsp. vegan margarine

4 tbsp. soy milk

1 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. black pepper

1/4 tsp. garlic powder

1 tbsp. chopped parsley

1 cup bread crumbs (we used panko)


Boil the potatoes in a large pot until tender, then drain. Place in a large bowl and mash well with a potato masher or fork.

Stir in the vegan margarine, soy milk, salt, pepper, garlic powder, and parsley.

Shape the mixture into small croquettes and roll them in the bread crumbs.

Heat oil in a pan and fry the croquettes until golden brown on all sides.

Serve hot and enjoy!

Spice Up Your Cooking with These Delicious Potato Recipes!

Looking for some new and exciting ways to enjoy potatoes? We’ve got you covered with these mouthwatering recipes that are sure to impress your family and friends. From crispy potato pancakes to creamy mashed potatoes, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. So grab your apron and let’s get cooking!

First up, we have a recipe for Red Potato Salad. This dish is a summer favorite and is perfect for picnics and barbecues. With its tangy dressing and fresh ingredients, it’s sure to be a hit. To make this delicious salad, you’ll need Vegetaise, red potatoes, red onion, scallions, seedless red grapes, yellow mustard, pepper, dill, cilantro, and salt. Simply boil the potatoes, combine all the ingredients in a large bowl, and mix well. Add a little more salt if desired, and you’re ready to serve!

Red Potato Salad

Red Potato Salad

Next, we have a classic recipe for Mashed Potatoes. This creamy and comforting side dish is a staple at any holiday gathering. To make these delicious mashed potatoes, you’ll need potatoes, chopped onions, vegetable oil, minced garlic, non-dairy milk, soy margarine, salt, and your favorite spices. Start by boiling the potatoes and onions, then sauté the garlic in oil. Add the non-dairy milk to the pan and keep it warm. Mash the potatoes and onions, then add the garlic mixture, margarine, salt, and spices. Mix well and serve with your favorite vegan gravy if desired.

Mashed Potatoes

Mashed Potatoes

Last but not least, we have a recipe for Classic Potato Pancakes, also known as Latkes. These crispy and savory pancakes are a traditional favorite during Hanukkah but can be enjoyed any time of the year. To make these delicious pancakes, you’ll need baking potatoes, yellow onion, egg replacer, salt, and pepper. Grate the potatoes and onion, then squeeze out any excess liquid. Mix in the egg replacer, salt, and pepper. Heat oil in a skillet and drop spoonfuls of the potato mixture into the pan. Flatten them with a spatula and cook until golden brown on both sides. Serve with applesauce or sour cream for a delicious and satisfying meal.

Classic Potato Pancakes (Latkes)

Classic Potato Pancakes (Latkes)

So there you have it, three delicious potato recipes that are sure to please. Whether you’re in the mood for a refreshing salad, creamy mashed potatoes, or crispy pancakes, these recipes have got you covered. So why wait? Start cooking and enjoy the wonderful flavors of potatoes today!

Introducing: Delicious Potato Recipes to Satisfy Your Cravings!

Potatoes are a crowd-pleaser, so what better way to celebrate than with these amazing baked potato skins? This super easy recipe only requires 5 ingredients, so be sure to give them a try!

Baked Potato Skins

Baked Potato Skins


– 6 potatoes

– 1 cup vegetable oil

– 8 oz. vegan cheddar cheese, shredded (try the Daiya brand)

– 1/8 cup soy bacon bits (try Bac-Os)

– 4 tablespoons thinly sliced scallions

– Soy sour cream (optional)


1. Preheat the oven to 375°F. Lightly grease a 9×13-inch baking dish.

2. Pierce the potatoes with a fork and microwave them until soft, about 10-12 minutes.

3. Remove from the microwave and cut in half vertically. Scoop out the insides, leaving a 1/4-inch-thick shell.

4. Heat the oil to 365°F in a deep fryer or deep pot. Fry the potato skins for 5 minutes. Remove and drain on paper towels.

5. Fill the potato skins with the “cheese” and soy bacon bits. Arrange on the prepared baking tray and bake for 10-15 minutes, or until the “cheese” has melted.

6. Top with sliced scallions and soy sour cream, if desired.

Let’s face it: french fries are what dreams are made of. Seriously, is there anything better than that crispy, salty, carb-loaded goodness? Well, get ready… YES, there is! Sweet potato fries are everything regular fries are, but with a little sweetness. Try our super simple baked sweet potato fries and pair them with our spicy ketchup. You’ll fall in love!

Sweet Potato Fries with Spicy Tomato Sauce

Sweet Potato Fries with Spicy Tomato Sauce


– 2 sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into french fry-sized pieces

– 1 teaspoon olive oil

– 1/2 teaspoon paprika

– Pinch of salt

– Pinch of pepper

– 1/2 cup ketchup

– 1/2 tablespoon hot sauce


1. Preheat the oven to 450°F.

2. In a bowl, coat the sweet potato slices with olive oil and sprinkle with paprika, salt, and pepper.

3. Spread the sweet potatoes in a single layer on a greased baking sheet. Bake until golden brown, about 20 minutes.

4. Mix the ketchup and hot sauce together and serve alongside the sweet potatoes.

And finally, for a hearty and delicious meal, try these homemade vegan baked potatoes with broccoli. Topped with a 100% vegan nacho sauce made from standard supermarket ingredients, this dish is sure to satisfy your cravings!

Vegan Baked Potatoes with Broccoli

Vegan Baked Potatoes with Broccoli


– 4 large red potatoes

– 1 tablespoon olive oil

– Kosher salt

– 2 cups broccoli florets

– 1 cup vegan nacho sauce


1. Preheat the oven to 400°F.

2. Rub the potatoes with olive oil and sprinkle with salt. Place them on a baking sheet and bake for 45-60 minutes, or until tender.

3. Steam the broccoli until tender, about 5 minutes.

4. Cut a slit in each potato and stuff with steamed broccoli. Top with vegan nacho sauce.

So there you have it! Three delicious potato recipes to satisfy your cravings. Whether you’re in the mood for crispy potato skins, sweet potato fries, or hearty baked potatoes with broccoli, these recipes are sure to please. Enjoy!

Looking for some delicious potato recipes? Look no further! We’ve got three mouthwatering options for you to try. Whether you’re in the mood for cheesy goodness, spicy flavors, or a creamy curry, we’ve got you covered.

1. Cheesy Broccoli Stuffed Potatoes

Tacos de patatas


– Small broccoli florets

– 1 recipe of vegan nacho cheese sauce

– 8 green onions, thinly sliced


– Adjust the oven rack to the center position and preheat the oven to 425°F.

– Wash the potatoes with cold running water and rub them with oil. Wrap each potato individually in aluminum foil and place them on a rimmed baking sheet. Bake until a skewer inserted into the potatoes through the foil meets with resistance about half an inch below the surface, about 30 minutes. Remove from the oven, carefully open the aluminum foil, and place the potatoes on the baking sheet on top of the foil. Continue baking until a skewer inserted into the potato meets no resistance and the skin is crispy, about 30 more minutes. Remove from the oven and let cool for 3 minutes.

– While the potatoes are baking, bring a medium pot of salted water to a boil. Add the broccoli florets and cook until tender-crisp, about 1 minute. Drain through a fine-mesh strainer and set aside.

– While the potatoes are cooling, heat the vegan cheese sauce in a medium saucepan, stirring constantly, until hot. Fold in the broccoli. Split the top of the potatoes with a knife to peel and press inward at the ends to open the potatoes. Lightly fluff the interior. Pour the broccoli and nacho sauce into each potato, top with green onions, and serve immediately.

2. Potato Tacos

Tacos de patatas


– 2-3 cups of mashed potatoes (use leftovers or accidentally vegan instant mashed potatoes)

– 3 cloves of minced garlic

– 1/2 medium onion, chopped

– 1 7-oz can diced green chilies

– 1 tbsp chili powder, plus more for sprinkling on tortillas

– 1 tbsp Cajun seasoning*

– Pinch of salt

– Pinch of black pepper

– 1 tbsp green hot sauce of your choice

– 6 soft corn tortillas

– 2 tbsp oil, plus more for frying

– Lettuce, tomato, vegan cheese, or any other desired toppings


– Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a skillet over medium-high heat. Add the garlic, onion, Cajun seasoning, chili powder, salt, and black pepper. Sauté until the onions are soft, then add the green chilies and sauté for 2 more minutes.

– Heat up the leftover mashed potatoes in the microwave, then add the onion mixture. Add the green hot sauce. Taste and adjust seasonings as needed.

– Fill the same skillet used to sauté the onions with 1/2 inch of oil and heat over medium-high heat. Using tongs, carefully add a tortilla to the oil and fold it in half. (Avoid touching both sides). When the half submerged in oil is golden brown, flip it over and fry the other half. Place on a plate lined with paper towels and sprinkle with chili powder. Repeat with the remaining tortillas.

– Fill the cooled tortilla shells with the potato mixture and top with lettuce, tomato, vegan cheese, more hot sauce, or anything else you desire.

3. Curry Potatoes

Patatas con curry


– 1 tbsp oil (we used coconut oil)

– 2-3 cloves of minced garlic

– 1 medium onion, diced

– 1 12-oz can coconut milk

– 1 12-oz can chickpeas, drained and rinsed

– 1 cup diced tomatoes

– 1 tsp curry powder

– 1 tsp turmeric

– 1 tsp salt

– 1 tbsp fresh ginger, minced

– 1 tsp paprika (optional)

– 4 small potatoes or 2 large potatoes, diced


– Heat 1 tablespoon of oil (coconut oil) in a pan. Add the garlic and onion and sauté until the onions are translucent.

– Add the coconut milk, chickpeas, diced tomatoes, curry powder, turmeric, salt, ginger, and paprika (if using). Stir well.

– Add the diced potatoes and simmer until the potatoes are tender, about 15-20 minutes.

– Serve hot with rice or naan bread.

=”text-align: justify;”>Looking for a delicious and hearty recipe? Try this flavorful potato and chickpea curry! It’s packed with nutritious ingredients and bursting with aromatic spices. Plus, it’s super easy to make! Here’s what you’ll need:

– 2 medium carrots, diced

– 1 cup frozen peas

Now, let’s get cooking:

1. Heat the oil in a large skillet or pot over medium heat. Add the garlic.

2. Once the garlic is fragrant, add the onion and cook until translucent, about 5 minutes.

3. Add the coconut milk, chickpeas, tomatoes, and spices. Stir to combine.

4. Turn off the heat. Add the potatoes and carrots, and cover. Cook on low heat until the potatoes are tender, about 10 to 15 minutes.

5. Add the frozen peas and simmer for another 5 minutes.

6. Give it a final stir before serving.

papas brocoli

papas en cubitos

ensalada de papas

comer patatas

beneficios de las patatas

beneficios de comer patatas

puré patatas

puré patatas

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