Cómo hacer crecer uñas fuertes y sanas – 5 Trucos que realmente funcionan

Desi / February 15 2024


Cómo hacer crecer uñas fuertes y sanas – 5 Trucos que realmente funcionan

Las uñas son una parte importante de nuestra apariencia y cuidado personal. Tener uñas fuertes y sanas no solo es estéticamente agradable, sino que también indica un buen estado de salud. Sin embargo, muchas personas luchan por lograr un crecimiento adecuado de sus uñas. En este artículo, compartiremos cinco trucos que realmente funcionan para hacer crecer uñas fuertes y sanas.

1. Manténlas limpias y secas: La higiene adecuada es fundamental para el crecimiento de uñas saludables. Lávalas regularmente con agua tibia y jabón suave para eliminar la suciedad y las bacterias. También es importante secarlas bien después de lavarlas, ya que la humedad excesiva puede debilitar las uñas y favorecer el crecimiento de hongos.

2. Alimentación equilibrada: Una dieta balanceada es esencial para el crecimiento de uñas fuertes. Asegúrate de consumir suficiente vitamina H (biotina), calcio, hierro y zinc, ya que estos nutrientes promueven la salud y el crecimiento de las uñas. Incluye alimentos como huevos, pescado, nueces, legumbres y verduras de hoja verde en tu dieta diaria.

3. Evita el uso excesivo de productos químicos: El uso excesivo de productos químicos, como esmaltes de uñas y removedores de esmalte, puede dañar e incluso debilitar las uñas. Intercala períodos sin esmalte y utiliza productos sin acetona para minimizar los efectos negativos. Además, procura utilizar guantes al realizar tareas domésticas que involucren el uso de productos químicos agresivos.

4. Hidratación regular: Al igual que la piel, las uñas también necesitan hidratación para mantener su salud y fortaleza. Aplica regularmente aceites o cremas hidratantes específicas para uñas y cutículas. Esto ayudará a prevenir la sequedad y la rotura de las uñas, favoreciendo su crecimiento.

5. Protege tus uñas: Es importante proteger tus uñas de golpes y lesiones que pueden debilitarlas. Utiliza guantes al realizar actividades que puedan dañar tus uñas, como jardinera, bricolaje o lavado de platos. Asimismo, evita morder tus uñas o utilizarlas para abrir objetos, ya que esto puede causar roturas y deformaciones.

En conclusión, el crecimiento de uñas fuertes y sanas requiere una combinación de cuidado, alimentación adecuada y protección. Siguiendo estos cinco trucos, podrás disfrutar de uñas hermosas y saludables. Recuerda que el resultado no será inmediato, por lo que se requiere paciencia y constancia. ¡No pierdas la oportunidad de lucir unas uñas envidiables!
Are your nails constantly breaking and accompanied by dry cuticles and a generally brittle appearance? It’s time to learn how to strengthen your nails. Think of brittle nails that tend to break like over-processed hair that becomes frizzy and has split ends. We condition and protect our hair to avoid these problems. To prevent broken nails, you need to start taking care of them and using effective products. As expected, there is no one-size-fits-all product that can solve everything, but there are some tricks that can help answer the question of how to grow strong and healthy nails. If you’re someone who frequently gets manicures or pedicures, the chemicals used to clean and apply nail gel can damage the health of your nails. Even some household products marketed as nail strengtheners can contain these harmful ingredients, so you’ll always want to check the ingredient list to be sure. And when it comes to moisturizers and cuticle oils, look for emollients like sunflower seed oil, jojoba oil, and shea butter.

How to Grow Strong and Healthy Nails

how to grow nails

What is causing dry nails in the first place?

There are two broad categories that contribute to brittle nails. The first category includes factors that are generally beyond your control, such as genetics, aging, and medical conditions. The second category, environmental factors, is where you can really make a difference. Prolonged exposure to water removes the natural oils from the skin and nails. When nails are not protected or the oils are not replenished, they become dry and brittle, making them more prone to breakage or cracking.

How long will it take for nails to recover?

Nails take six to ten months to grow. As a result, nail treatments should be used for at least three or four months before deciding if they are helpful or not. You may see improvement sooner or later depending on the current condition of your nails. Nail damage can vary, so it will depend on the level of damage and the product you are using.

How to strengthen dry and brittle nails?

According to experts, these are the products you should use (and the ones you should avoid) to help strengthen and grow dry and brittle nails:

tips for growing strong and healthy nails

How to Grow Strong and Healthy Nails – Say goodbye to nail files

If you’re using a cardboard file to shape your nails, be prepared for nails that break. Traditional nail files are too abrasive for natural nails and can cause microscopic tears at the tip of the nail, leading to breakage. But that doesn’t mean you should just switch to any glass or crystal nail file. You’ll need a non-abrasive glass file specifically designed for natural nails. Another advantage of switching to a glass file is that it’s more hygienic because you can clean it with water and soap.

Use acetone-free nail polish remover

Acetone, which you’ll find in most nail polish removers, is another chemical that may be secretly damaging your nails. All removers contain solvents like acetone, alcohol, ethyl acetate, and butyl acetate, but these dry out the nails. To minimize dryness and brittleness, it’s best to look for acetone-free formulas with moisturizing ingredients.

tips for filing nails

How to Grow Strong and Healthy Nails? Don’t cut your cuticles

If you cut your cuticles at home or at the salon, you’re damaging your nails (and worse, leaving yourself vulnerable to infections). The cuticle is the natural protective seal of the nail. You can’t have a healthy nail without a healthy and intact cuticle. In a perfect world, you would leave your cuticles completely untouched.

Use a sanitizer that contains moisturizing ingredients

If you reach for hand sanitizer when you’re out shopping, this could be one of the reasons why your nails (and probably your hands too) feel dry. Hand sanitizers are alcohol-based and cause significant dehydration to both the nail barrier and cuticle. While you can’t avoid alcohol, you can find a sanitizer that is less drying.

tips for growing strong and healthy nails

Add a cuticle oil to your routine

Look for one that is formulated with certified organic ingredients like sesame seed oil, safflower seed oil, and soybean oil to help strengthen nails and prevent hangnails by providing much-needed moisture. Another moisturizing option that can help strengthen and grow your nails is a serum.

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