Diversión para niños en la boda ideas para los invitados más pequeños

Desi / February 15 2024

Diversión para niños en la boda: ideas para los invitados más pequeños

Una boda es un momento de alegría y celebración, en el que familiares y amigos se reúnen para ser testigos del amor que une a dos personas. Sin embargo, en ocasiones los invitados más pequeños pueden sentirse aburridos o no encontrar actividades adecuadas para su edad durante la celebración. Es por esto que es importante dedicar un tiempo y esfuerzo para planificar actividades divertidas y entretenidas para que los niños también puedan disfrutar de este gran día.

Una idea muy popular y divertida es contratar a un animador infantil o a un grupo de payasos. Estos profesionales se encargarán de entretener a los niños con juegos, bailes y trucos de magia. Además, pueden hacer figuras con globos y pintar caritas, lo cual siempre es un éxito entre los pequeños. Esta opción les dará a los padres un tiempo de tranquilidad para disfrutar de la boda mientras sus hijos se divierten.

Otra opción es establecer una zona exclusiva para los niños, equipada con juegos y actividades adecuadas para su edad. Puedes alquilar un castillo inflable, una mini pista de carreras o incluso contratar un mago para que realice un espectáculo especialmente diseñado para ellos. Esto permitirá a los niños jugar y entretenerse, sin interferir con el desarrollo de la boda.

Además, una idea muy original es organizar un taller de manualidades para los niños. Puedes proporcionarles materiales como pinturas, crayones, papel y pegamento, para que puedan dar rienda suelta a su creatividad. También puedes organizar un taller de cupcakes o de decoración de galletas, donde los pequeños podrán disfrutar creando sus propias delicias.

Si quieres que los niños también participen en la boda de una manera especial, puedes crear un espacio para que bailen y se diviertan con música especialmente seleccionada para ellos. Asimismo, puedes organizar una pequeña obra de teatro en la que ellos sean los protagonistas, lo cual seguramente será un momento muy divertido y emocionante para todos.

En definitiva, la diversión de los niños durante una boda es fundamental para que ellos se sientan parte de este evento tan especial. Planificar actividades adecuadas para su edad y tener en cuenta sus intereses garantizará que tengan un gran día y que sus padres puedan disfrutar plenamente de la celebración. Así que no dudes en dedicar un espacio y tiempo exclusivos para ellos. ¡La diversión está asegurada! En resumen, aquí tienes algunas ideas para divertir a los niños durante una boda:

1. Contrata un animador infantil o grupos de payasos para entretener a los niños con juegos, bailes y trucos de magia.

2. Establece una zona exclusiva para los niños con juegos y actividades adecuadas para su edad, como un castillo inflable o una mini pista de carreras.

3. Organiza talleres de manualidades donde los niños puedan dar rienda suelta a su creatividad con pinturas, crayones y pegamento.

4. Ofrece un taller de cupcakes o de decoración de galletas para que los niños puedan crear sus propias delicias.

5. Crea un espacio para que los niños bailen y se diviertan con música seleccionada especialmente para ellos.

6. Organiza una pequeña obra de teatro en la que los niños sean los protagonistas.

Recordar que la diversión de los niños durante una boda es esencial para que se sientan parte de este evento especial. Planificar actividades adecuadas para su edad y tener en cuenta sus intereses garantizará que tengan un gran día y que sus padres puedan disfrutar plenamente de la celebración. Esperamos que estas ideas te ayuden a organizar una boda divertida y entretenida para los niños invitados. ¡Disfruta de ese día especial con todos tus seres queridos! En resumen, algunas ideas para divertir a los niños durante una boda incluyen contratar animadores infantiles, establecer una zona exclusiva para ellos con juegos y actividades, organizar talleres de manualidades o de cocina, crear un espacio para que bailen y se diviertan con música seleccionada para ellos, y organizar una pequeña obra de teatro donde los niños sean los protagonistas. La clave es planificar actividades adecuadas para su edad y tener en cuenta sus intereses para asegurar que tengan un gran día y que los padres puedan disfrutar plenamente de la boda. Algunas otras ideas para divertir a los niños durante una boda podrían incluir:

7. Montar una mesa de dulces o un carrito de golosinas exclusivamente para ellos, con opciones de caramelos, chocolates y otros snacks que les encanten.

8. Preparar una búsqueda del tesoro o un juego de pistas que los niños puedan disfrutar durante la celebración.

9. Contratar a un fotógrafo especializado en fotografía infantil para capturar momentos especiales de los niños durante la boda.

10. Organizar un espacio al aire libre con juegos como columpios, toboganes o una casita de juegos, para que los niños puedan jugar y divertirse al aire libre.

11. Proporcionar libros de colorear y lápices de colores en las mesas de los niños, para que puedan entretenerse mientras los adultos disfrutan de la comida y la conversación.

12. Montar una estación de disfraces con trajes y accesorios divertidos, para que los niños puedan disfrazarse y tomarse fotos divertidas.

Recuerda que, independientemente de la actividad que elijas, es importante tener supervisión y asegurarse de que las actividades sean seguras y adecuadas para la edad de los niños. Con un poco de planificación y creatividad, puedes garantizar que los niños se diviertan y disfruten de la boda tanto como los adultos. ¡Que todos puedan disfrutar de este día especial juntos!
Deciding whether or not to invite children to your wedding can be a tricky decision. Unless you already have kids, of course, in which case we’re sure they’ll be a big part of your day. Today, we’re sharing fun ideas for kids and tips on how to include them in the wedding. In a child’s mind, weddings seem like a blast: a day of celebration in a cute dress, lots of sweets, treats, and mischief. But in reality, they can often be long and boring ceremonies, followed by super dull dinner receptions. If you’ve decided to have little guests at your wedding, it’s not just a matter of making a guest list and adding the kids you know and love. You also need to think about how to entertain them.

The dreams of a glamorous adults-only event in a ballroom or a wild wedding weekend at a villa may be dashed by family expectations. However, this is your wedding and your choice, so do what suits you and your partner. If you decide not to invite children to your wedding, let your friends and family know well in advance so they can arrange for a babysitter.

Either way, it’s important to make it clear on the invitation whether or not children are truly invited. First and foremost, when making the invitations, be very specific: is it just Mr. and Mrs. Gomez or the whole family is invited? In the invitation itself, a simple “children are welcome” or “no children under 10” (or whatever your age limit is) will suffice. But you could also include a small message inside the envelopes, like:

As much as we love your little ones, our wedding venue will not be suitable for children under 10, and there are no childcare facilities on-site, so we kindly ask you to leave them at home with a babysitter. These are just a few examples.

Now let’s move on to fun ideas for kids if you’ve decided to invite them to your wedding. The rest of this article is aimed at those of you who are planning to invite children to your wedding and are looking for fun ideas and tips to keep them entertained and happy. Expect lots of helpful advice and ideas to keep the kids entertained and happy at your wedding!

Children can be a lot of fun at weddings, especially when they hit the dance floor with their moves! But long periods of sitting quietly can be tough for young children who naturally have a hard time focusing on one thing for too long. If they get bored, they can become restless, hungry, and tired, which can lead to tantrums, tears, and discouraged parents.

If you’re going to have many young children at your wedding, you may want to consider providing some entertainment specifically for them.Looking for ways to keep the little ones entertained at your wedding? We’ve got you covered! Whether you can afford to hire qualified babysitters or need to get creative with your budget, we have some fun ideas for you. Check out these photos for inspiration!

If hiring a babysitter isn’t an option, you can always ask your wedding venue if they have a separate room that parents can use. It’s important to have a quiet space where parents can take their children if they need a break from all the excitement or if they need to change diapers.

And if the venue has a TV and DVD player, even better! Hiring a Disney cartoon is a surefire way to keep kids of all ages calm and entertained for a while.

Now, let’s talk about the trickiest parts of the wedding day for kids: the ceremony and the speeches. We have some ideas to keep them happy and entertained during these key moments.

During the ceremony, parents will be responsible for taking care of their children. Make sure they have their favorite toys to keep them content. After all, no parent wants all eyes on them when their child starts crying during the sacred vows!

If you have adorable flower girls and ring bearers, make sure to explain to them exactly what they need to do. Practice the walk a couple of times before the big day so they know what to expect. Most kids love having a special job, so let them know how happy you are that they’re helping with your wedding to make them feel even more special.

Keep in mind that even if kids seem confident the day before, surrounded by emotional adults and cameras, the younger members of your wedding party may feel a bit shy or anxious. It’s best to have someone, preferably a parent, who can help them stay calm and occupied with toys or stories before the ceremony.

Also, remember that kids have a hard time standing still for long periods of time without getting restless. We suggest reserving seats next to their parents as close to the front rows as possible.

So, don’t stress about keeping the kids entertained at your wedding. With a little planning and creativity, you can ensure that they have a great time while you celebrate your special day!The Launch of Confetti: Fun for All Ages!

The confetti launch is a blast for both adults and kids alike. In fact, it’s the most fun for the bride and groom! If your venue doesn’t allow confetti, there are two fantastic alternatives that are another form of entertainment for children: ribbon wands and bubbles.


The only problem with bubbles is that children under 5 tend to swallow more bubbles than they blow, so they are better supervised. Ribbon wands are perfect for sunny/windy days, as kids will enjoy running with them in the wind (at least for a while).


Of course, you could also have other forms of entertainment suitable for both children and adults, such as lawn games, a magician, or a caricaturist. Or, you could take inspiration from our articles on children’s activities and games.


Indoor or Outdoor?

If your venue has large open spaces, these are perfect for children’s fun after the ceremony. If the reception venue is indoors or it’s raining, you may want to provide a goody bag of toys and activities for each child during the reception and/or dinner. Or even set up a movie area in a quiet room (or even outside) with blankets and cushions.


Snacks and Drinks for Kids

When choosing canapés, you may want to consider kid-friendly options like carrots, cheese cubes, or apple slices. Receptions can last a long time, so it’s worth keeping in mind that your younger guests may not be as impressed with those smoked salmon blinis. Also, make sure to ask your catering providers to serve juices/sodas in kid-sized cups.


The Food

When addressing your plan and considering whether to have a kids’ table or not, talk to the parents before assigning seats to avoid potential issues. You’ll also need to consider how many kids’ meals and high chairs you’ll need for your younger guests.


Usually, kids’ meals are miniature versions of the adult dish, a meal appropriate for children, like fish and chips or a table with mini pizzas and burgers that also cost much less than an adult meal.


The Dilemma of the Kids’ Table

To have a kids’ table or not to have one, that is the question. It all depends on the age of the children; it’s not recommended for children under 5 to sit alone at a table without older siblings or parents present.


But Separate or Not Parents and Children?

The Advantages

Children should be in an area where staff can bring them their mini meals, activity packs, wedding favors, etc., and children can do what they like without constant criticism from parents. Parents can also take a break and relax with a glass of wine orChampagne during dinner.


The Downsides

Parents can’t control how much their kids are eating/what they are eating and the little ones might get a bit rowdy without supervision. Also, putting young or shy children at a table with a group of kids they may have never seen before can be a bit overwhelming.


Fun for Kids and Activities during the Wedding

Whether you have a kids’ table or not, you can provide a package or bag filled with activities for each child to keep them entertained and occupied during the meal, such as an activity book, puzzles, puppets, or stickers.


The goal is to provide toys and activities that are not noisy and do not require adult supervision, so avoid very small objects and stay away from musical instruments. Also, keep in mind that some venues may have restrictions: if you are getting married at a heritage site or a luxury hotel, you may want to avoid stickers and crayons.


Fun for Toddlers

A disposable camera: disposable cameras are so cheap, and getting one for each child will keep them entertained. Or try the idea of a “treasure hunt.” All you need is a list of things the child needs to look out for during the dinner.


A sketchbook and pencils/crayons: let the kids get creative. If you decide to have a kids’ table, you can cover it with brown craft paper or thick white rolls of paper and let them draw on the table itself!

Activity book: you can either buy pre-made activity books or make your own. It could include simple mazes, coloring pages, and templates.


The Speeches

Have you ever been to a wedding where the father of the bride’s speech lasted over forty-five minutes? Do you remember how sweet you thought it was at first and then how bored and restless you were after the first 20 minutes?


Children naturally have a much shorter attention span than us. And most children under the age of seven are not going to have a clue what the man at the front is talking about and why it’s so important to stay still, be quiet, and listen. This is where that nursery or quiet room comes in handy!


Many children enjoy lively music, dancing with the adults, going in and out of the dance floor. However, keep in mind that little ones’ ears can be sensitive to loud music and after a long day full of excitement, toddlers may be ready for bed.


Are you worried about how to keep the little ones entertained at your wedding? Well, we’ve got some great ideas for you!


First of all, it’s possible that parents may have to leave the party a little earlier than planned. To make sure the kids also get to enjoy a dance or two (or even more!) with your friends and family who have children, we suggest starting the party as early as possible.








And one last important thing about entertaining kids at weddings…

Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the parents or caregivers to keep their children happy and entertained, so you shouldn’t feel obligated to provide them with toys, games, activities, and treats. We’re sure the parents will come equipped with their children’s favorite toy(s)!

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